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Keep Smiling

     Psychiatrists have proved that happiness is the secret of good health. Mood really can affect the body itself. This means we all have to look after ourselves. We've to enjoy ourselves & be proud of ourselves & we'll rarely have to visit the doctor.
     Praise helps children to learn. We all know how pleased young children feel when they learn to dress themselves and do things by themselves. We should praise them for their achievements. Praise can be good for adults too.
     So, if we want to be happy & healthy, we need people around us who keep telling us how wonderful we are. Then ourselves will believe that we are wonderful too.

Adapted from Longman English Grammar Practice.

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4 komentar:

Budi mengatakan...

as Mr. Andy always says "Don't worry, be happy ; happy goes Lucky" :p
nice post btw..

AureGenia heRna Lie mengatakan...

waw.. nice post lia ^^
I'm agree with that.
the key to be happy is balancing body, mind and soul... three of this are influencing each other..
if we are happy, we'll be not only healthy but also beautiful.
so, let's be positive and please welcome to the wonderful praise for our achievements that we'll got from now on.. ^^
keep giving a good motivation and encouraging each other because it would make our life pretty fabulous and colorful..

Cherlyvia mengatakan...

hahahahahahatrully brutally corrreeccctt
agree agree agree 100% agree
being happy by smelling is one way to avoid stress and sadness. thinking about something useful optimistic delightful is one key to a healthy life.does anybody see me live without smiling in a day?wkwkwkwkwkkwkwkwkwkkkkk

Lia Lucky Girl mengatakan...

Too Happy.... S3 (Suka Senyum Sendiri) wakakakaka

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