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Blood pressure patients told to take their medicine

By national medical reporter Sophie Scott
Posted Mon Sep 6, 2010 3:11pm AEST

A new study has found almost half the people with high blood pressure are not taking their medication. The National Heart Foundation surveyed 9,000 people aged between 30 and 65. They found one in three had high blood pressure, but 43 per cent were not taking their prescribed medication. The figure was even higher for women, with 47 per cent not taking their blood pressure drugs. High blood pressure is a significant risk factor for heart disease and stroke. It can be caused by a range of factors including genetics, diet, a lack of exercise and a high-salt diet.

National Heart Foundation chief executive Dr Lyn Roberts says the only way to find out if your blood pressure is high is to have it checked regularly by a doctor. "High blood pressure is sometimes called the silent killer because it has no obvious symptoms and yet is a major risk factor for heart disease," she said.

Blood pressure is recorded as two numbers, for example 120/80. The higher number is the systolic blood pressure, which indicates the pressure in the arteries as the heart squeezes blood out during each beat. The lower number, known as the diastolic blood pressure, indicates the pressure as the heart relaxes before the next beat. Patients can lower their blood pressure by taking medication, adopting a healthy, low-salt diet and regular exercise.

There are a number of classes of blood pressure drugs. Often patients will take more than one type of drug to get good blood pressure control.

Nowadays high blood pressure has been common name of disease. Most of our parents or grandparents have become the patient. But most of them are undisciplined in taking their medicine regularly. And that's not a wise way. For those, I suggest that they should take their medicine everyday (based on doctor suggestion of course) because once you become the patient you will never free from it.
May be I need to convince you. My mother also a high blood pressure patient. Initially, she used to be taking her medicine just when her blood pressure was high. Saw this condition made me worried. Why not? How if I was too late to prevent stroke or heart disease as the complication of it? I never wanted to image it. But after giving her detail information and keep asking her (don't ever bored): "Have you take your medicine today?", slow but sure she takes her medicine everyday now.
Besides that we need to check our blood pressure too. Don't worry becauce some drug store in Pontianak will check your blood pressure FREE. For example: Apotik Anda (Jl. Agus Salim)
The key for this disease is discipline.

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3 komentar:

Merry Len Walker mengatakan...

duh... zaman sekarang memang darah tinggi itu penyakit yang sering dialami oleh orang berumur. Mama saya juga darah tinggi. tiap hari harus minum obat tapi selalu diusahakan dalam dosis yang rendah. hehe... biar tidak ketergantungan.

mengecek tekanan darah mungkin dlu hanya di dokter tapi sekarang juga bisa beli alat ukur tensi darah dari apotik2. tapi tentu saja harganya juga tidak main2. Mungkin saja dengan adanya pengecekan darah gratis ini bisa memberikan kontribusi yang bagus untuk kesehatan masyarakat ya..

Vivi d'sei mengatakan...

wew.. we have to be careful,, check your blood pressure regularly, the sooner the better,,

Anonim mengatakan...

Wow...I also ever heard that high blood pressure patient need to consume their medicines regularly. Sometimes they want not to take it because they think... this is made from chemical process and if I consume it in long period I may suffer of the other disease. My suggestion, besides take their medicines they also have to take enough exercise and eat healthy food.

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